Remember to charge your iPad.
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Lucas
BIG GAME TOMORROW against Guyan Valley.. We want the home crowd to be apart of this an Wear WHITE to show Support for our Boys & Girls. It’s gonna be like a WHITEOUT THEME. Please share an spread the word wear ya white to the game Tip off goes like this: JV boys 5:30 girls 6:30 Varsity 7:30
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Lucas
Harts PK-8 buses will be about 5-10 minutes late.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Collins
Reminder: Charge your iPads!
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Collins
Remember to charge your child’s iPad!
November 30th will be make up picture day at Harts Pk-8
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Lucas
picture day
Today Mr. Turkey visited our school. Thanks to Mrs. Smith for bringing him/her.
almost 3 years ago, Elizabeth Lucas
Mr. Turkey
Beginning December 1st we will have themed days for anyone who would like to participate.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Collins
Christmas at Harts PK-8
These 8th grade students volunteered to help clean up around our school! #TakePrideInYourCommunity #DoNotLitter #HartsPK8 #GoLions #GreatDayToBeALion #LionLeaders
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Collins
Leaders volunteering
Leaders volunteering
Leaders volunteering
Leaders volunteering
Harts PK-8 will remain remote on Thursday, November 4th. School Health Services has been notified of multiple positive individuals among students and staff. All students and staff will be remote. We encourage anyone having allergy or cold-like symptoms to test. If you have questions, if your student has more than one symptom and/or tests positive please call school health at 304-825-5238.
almost 3 years ago, Lincoln County Schools
Harts PK-8 will be remote on Wednesday, November 3rd. School Health Services has been notified of multiple positive individuals among students and staff. All students and staff will be remote to allow for contact tracing. We encourage anyone having allergy or cold-like symptoms to test. If you have questions, if your student has more than one symptom and/or tests positive please call school health at 304-825-5238.
almost 3 years ago, Angie Urling
There has been a recent uptick in COVID cases relevant to the Delta Variant. According to the WVDHHR map, Lincoln County remained green as late as Thursday, August 12, 2021. In anticipating the potential for increased cases and subsequent changes to our status on the map, we added COVID to the August 17, 2021, LCS Board agenda for discussion. Additionally, we requested guidance from the Lincoln County Health Department. As of Tuesday, August 17, 2021, Lincoln County was orange on the DHHR map. After discussion, Superintendent, Jeffrey Kelley, recommended the adoption of the Health Department's guidelines effective August 18, 2021. Lincoln County Schools will be adhering to the guidelines until further notice. These guidelines state masks are required on buses for students at all times and drivers when passengers are loading and unloading. Masks are recommended for students, staff, and visitors that are not fully vaccinated. Masks are required for all students, staff, and visitors when Lincoln County is Orange or Red on the DHHR Metrics map. Please review the guidelines posted on our district website and Facebook page. We remain diligent and dedicated to the health and safety of our students and staff. We appreciate your patience and understanding. A link to the guidance is below.
about 3 years ago, Angie Urling
We are excited to be launching our brand new website and app including a redesigned district logo this Summer!
about 3 years ago, Angie Urling