The company providing the fun day for tomorrow, September 6, 2024, called at 2:15pm and cancelled due to equipment malfunction.
We will postpone and let everyone know when the event can take place.
We apologize for the last minute notice.
Attention Harts PK-8 guardians of 7th and 8th grade students who sold Little Caesar's pizza kits:
Pizza kits can be picked up at the library doors from 12:30-2pm today.
These need to be picked up and refrigerated.
If you need a later pick up time contact Brittney Smith or Deidre Farley.
There will be no afterschool today, April 8, 2024, at Harts PK-8.
Harts PK8 will be releasing 3 hours early today, February 28, 2024.
Reminder, ALL 8th grade students will be traveling to LCHS to explore their CTE program tomorrow, February 21, 2024. Students will be back at Harts PK-8 by lunchtime.
Afterschool has been cancelled for today, Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at all Lincoln County Schools.
December 18, 2023:
- Harts PK-8 will be dismissing at 1:36pm.
- The band concert will be rescheduled for a later date.
- Tonight's ballgame will be rescheduled.
- There will be no afterschool today.
-IF there is a a 2 hour delay tomorrow, December 19, 2023, we will have the Christmas program at 10:30am.
There will be NO after school today, December 12, 2023, at Harts PK-8.
We hope that all of our students, staff, and the community had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We can't wait or see our amazing students tomorrow. Please remind students to charge their iPads so that they are ready to begin learning in the morning.
Harts PK-8 will have their annual talent show on Saturday, November 18, 2023. The show begins at 6:30. There are only 50 tickets remaining for the show. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased with Regina Manns from 8-2 until tickets are sold out.
-Harts PK-8 will have afterschool today, October 31, 2023.
-Boone Career and Technical Center’s Cosmetology Academy will provide FREE haircuts on Friday, November 3, 2023. Students must have a permission slip.
There will be no afterschool, tomorrow, October 30, 2023.
We will have trunk-or-treat from 5-6pm. If weather doesn't cooperate we will be treating throughout the hallways
This is a reminder that tomorrow, October 17, 2023 is school picture day at Harts PK-8.
⚠️Training is at 2pm! ⚠️ on Saturday, September 23, 2023!
Parent Volunteer Training at Harts PK-8 will be on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 2pm in the Library. If you would like to attend field trips or volunteer at school you must have this training.
Attention families of football players:
Players must be at the field at 11am to catch the bus. Game time as been changed and it is now at 1pm against Madison Middle.
Harts PK-8 will be dismissing at 2:00pm today, August 25, 2023.
All practices are cancelled.
Your child was sent home with a packet of papers that need to be filled out and sent back to school. Please return them at your earliest convenience.
Parents/Guardians of LCS Students entering PreK, Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 7th Grade, and 12th Grade: Students starting in these grades must turn in the proper wellness documentation to LCS School Health Services no later than tomorrow, August 15th. These records are required by state law before your student(s) begins school. If you have any questions about this process, please reach out to our School Health Services Department. We are looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday!
Important Dates for the remainder of the year:
May 31
8:20 3rd Grade Awards
9:30 3rd Grade Wax Museum
9:45 2nd Grade Awards
1:15 1st Grade Awards
June 1
8:20 5th Grade Awards
9:45 4th Grade Awards
1:15 6th and 7th Grade Awards
5:00 8th Grade Celebration
June 2
Attendance trip to Waterways
June 5
Last day for students
REMINDER: Today, May 26th All Lincoln County Schools will dismiss one hour early to allow families to prepare and travel to Charleston for Lincoln County High School's Graduation ceremony this evening. Please be prepared to receive your students at the bus stops or in the pick up lines one hour earlier than usual. Thank you and have a great day!!